October 13, 2010

The art of niche marketing

There is a lot of talk lately about niche markets. The term just seems to roll off the tongue without due regard to the implication of the word's understanding. When you hear "niche market", what do you think of? For some people a niche market is where 30,000 people per day are searching for the product. For others, a niche market is where 900 people per day are searching the market keywords. It's all relative.
If you are just starting out in the Internet marketing business, it will be more important for you to go after smaller niche markets at first. When you have $60,000 in your PPC slush fund, then you can start to target the broader niche markets successfully. Remember, you have to outwork the next guy! It's like the hikers in the woods. You only have to run faster than your friend in order to not get eaten by the bear!
If you are coachable and passionate, you already hold the keys to success in your hands. The tools are mostly free and technique is only a few weeks of dedication away from being yours to flaunt. The best advice I can give you is that you look at the world as your opportunity. See possibility in everything that happens. If you are a negative person, change today. If you watch the news every night - stop that now! It will only depress you and there is nothing you can do to change matters. Read "The Secret". All there will be - already is. It is your challenge to see it. When you believe it, you will see it. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. You know the cliches.
If you are on everyone's spam list, then get yourself off it. Use your host's spam filters or change your email. If you are reading this today and thinking that you are no further ahead than you were a year ago, then I rest my case. If you want better results, then make a commitment to change the way you work.
If you fight with your spouse over this stuff then stop arguing. Remember this - in any argument with your spouse, you are allowed just one word. The very next word is the start of a new fight. You can win by focussing on the small stuff.
What really matters in life? If you don't like computers, then don't fantasize about Internet marketing. Do what moves you. Find out what floats your boat and embrace it.
And if you got this far and you still feel like this stuff is for you, then shut everyone out and focus on this for two hours every day. Ask questions of people who will give you the time of day. Take baby steps and before long you will be depositing Internet paycheques into your account.
Finally, recognize the sober reality that if you do all else correctly, you should allow 4 months to build you niche marketing funnel. After that, you won't be able to turn it off! And those days, my friend, are what it's all about!
Nick Walsh is a professional researcher and information technology analyst with 30 years experience in alternative health care, strategic information technology, and entrepreneurial development. Nick maintains several blogs on alternative health care, anti-aging, green energy systems, technology, and internet marketing in general.
Nick has been a successful internet marketer since 1996. Consistently reviewing the internet marketing industry, Nick is always up to date with the latest successful internet marketing tools and resources.
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