Zulhijjah bulan terakhir kalendar Hijrah
Oleh - Mohd Yaakub bin Mohd Yunus
Zulhijjah merupakan bulan yang terakhir dalam kalendar Hijrah. Ia termasuk antara bulan-bulan haram yang dimuliakan Allah SWT. Justeru sebagaimana bulan-bulan haram lain, bulan Zulhijjah ini seharusnya diisi dengan amalan-amalan soleh yang selari dengan sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Pada bulan tersebut terdapat hari-hari yang lebih diutamakan berbanding hari-hari lain pada bulan itu.
Keutamaan 10 hari pertama
Sepuluh hari pertama pada bulan ini merupakan hari yang diberkati Allah SWT dan bagi mereka yang mengerjakan amal-amal soleh pada hari ini ia akan mendapat keutamaan dan ganjaran lebih berbanding dengan hari-hari lain pada sepanjang tahun. Daripada Ibn ‘Abbas r.a, beliau berkata Rasulullah SAW. bersabda: Tiada hari-hari yang amalan soleh dalamnya lebih dicintai Allah daripada hari-hari (ayyam) ini (iaitu 10 hari pertama Zulhijjah). Mereka (para sahabat) bertanya: “Ya Rasulullah, termasuk jihad di jalan Allah?” Baginda menjawab: “Ya, tidak juga jihad di jalan Allah kecuali orang yang mengorbankan jiwa dan hartanya dan dia tidak kembali setelah itu (mati syahid).” – Hadis riwayat Imam al-Bukhari, no: 969
Jelas menerusi hadis ini amalan pada 10 hari pertama Zulhijjah begitu besar. Menurut al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar: “Jika seseorang melakukan hal seperti itu (iaitu berjihad sehingga mengorbankan diri dan harta), maka dia lebih baik atau sedarjat dengan mereka yang melakukan ibadat pada 10 hari pertama pada Zulhijjah.” - Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqolani, Fathul Baari, jilid 5, ms. 307, ketika mensyarah hadis no: 969.
Selanjutnya al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar memperjelaskan sebab keutamaan 10 hari pertama Zulhijjah ialah kerana pada hari-hari tersebut terkumpul ibadat-ibadat yang induk seperti solat, puasa, sedekah dan haji yang mana hal-hal itu kesemuanya tidak terdapat (secara serentak) pada bulan-bulan lain.
Justeru hendaklah setiap umat Islam memperbanyakkan solat-solat sunat, terutama solat tahajud, berzikir, berdoa, membaca al-Quran, melaksanakan ibadat korban dan mengerjakan ibadat haji bagi yang mampu. Hendaklah berusaha untuk berpuasa pada sembilan hari pertama bulan tersebut. Ummul Mukminun Hafshah berkata: Adalah Nabi SAW berpuasa pada hari puasa Asyura dan sembilan hari pertama pada Zulhijjah dan tiga hari dalam setiap bulan. – Hadis riwayat Imam al-Nasa’i di dalam Sunannya, no: 2332
Hari Arafah
Hari Arafah atau hari yang ke-9 dalam Zulhijjah merupakan hari di mana para jemaah haji berwuquf di padang Arafah. Hari Arafah ini merupakan hari paling ramai umat manusia beriman diampunkan dosa-dosanya yang lalu dan diselamatkan dari seksa api neraka oleh Allah SWT serta diperkenankan permohonan hamba-hamba-Nya. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Tiada suatu hari yang di dalamnya Allah menyelamatkan hamba-Nya dari neraka yang lebih ramai daripada hari Arafah, iaitu tatkala Allah mendekat dan berbangga di hadapan para malaikat-Nya seraya berfirman: Apa yang mereka inginkan?” – Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim di dalam Sahihnya, no: 2402
Justeru bagi mereka yang tidak mengerjakan ibadat haji disunatkan untuk berpuasa dan fadilatnya adalah dosa-dosa tahun lepas serta yang akan datang akan diampunkan. Sabda Rasulullah SAW.: Puasa tiga hari dari setiap bulan sejak dari Ramadan ke Ramadan berikutnya dianggap berpuasa setahun penuh. Sedangkan puasa hari Arafah pahalanya menurut Allah dapat menghapuskan dosa setahun sebelumnya dan setahun sesudahnya. Adapun puasa hari Asyura, pahalanya menurut Allah dapat menghapuskan dosa setahun sebelumnya. – Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim di dalam Sahihnya, no: 1162.
Majoriti (jumhur) ulama berpendapat tidak dianjurkan bagi jemaah haji yang sedang berwuquf untuk berpuasa pada hari Arafah. Pandangan ini dikuatkan dengan sebuah riwayat daripada Kuraib daripada Maimunah r.a yang menceritakan: Bahawasanya orang ramai merasa ragu-ragu tentang puasa Rasulullah SAW pada hari Arafah. Maka aku (yakni Maimunah) membawakan air susu kepadanya. Pada saat itu Baginda sedang wuquf di tempat wuquf. Baginda meminumnya dan manusia melihatnya. – Hadis riwayat Imam al-Bukhari di dalam Sahihnya, no: 1989
Motif Rasulullah SAW menganjurkan para sahabat untuk tidak berpuasa ketika wuquf di Arafah adalah bertujuan agar para sahabat yang sedang mengerjakan ibadah haji itu memiliki tubuh badan yang segar dan kuat supaya mereka dapat melipat gandakan amal ibadat pada hari itu yang terdapat banyak fadilatnya. At-Thobari r.h berkata: “Rasulullah SAW tidak berpuasa di Arafah dengan maksud memberi petunjuk bahawa yang terbaik dilakukan oleh mereka yang mengerjakan haji di Makkah ialah tidak berpuasa supaya tidak lemah untuk berdoa dan berzikir pada hari Arafah.” – Rujuk Fathul Baari, jilid 11, ms. 437, syarah hadis no: 1989.
Hari Raya Aidiladha
Pada tarikh 10 Zulhijjah umat Islam di seluruh dunia menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha yang merupakan hari kebesaran bagi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW Anas bin Malik r.a berkata: Nabi SAW pernah datang ke Madinah sedangkan penduduknya memiliki dua hari raya. Pada kedua-duanya mereka bermain-main (bergembira) di masa jahiliah. Lalu Baginda bersabda: “Sesungguhnya Allah telah menggantikan kedua-duanya bagi kamu semua dengan dua hari yang lebih baik, iaitu Hari Raya Aidiladha dan Aidilfitri.” - Hadis riwayat al-Nasa’i, di dalam Sunan al-Nasa’i, hadis no: 959.
Walaupun di Malaysia sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri jauh lebih meriah berbanding Aidiladha, namun hakikatnya di sisi Allah SWT Aidiladha adalah lebih utama berbanding Aidilfitri. Sabda Rasulullah SAW: Sesungguhnya hari yang paling agung di sisi Allah SWT ialah Hari Raya Aidiladha, setelah itu ada hari al-Qurr (iaitu hari kedua Aidiladha yakni pada 11 Zulhijjah). – Hadis riwayat Imam Abu Dawud di dalam Sunannya, no: 1502
Hari-Hari Tasyriq
Hari Tasyriq merupakan hari-hari yang jatuh pada tarikh 11, 12 dan 13 Zulhijjah. Ia di namakan Tasyriq kerana pada hari tersebut daging korban dibahagikan. Hari-hari Tasyriq ini merupakan hari yang dimuliakan oleh Allah SWT dan memiliki keutamaan. Firmannya: Dan berzikirlah (dengan menyebut) Allah dalam beberapa hari yang terbilang. – al-Baqarah (2) :203
Dalam Tafseer Ibn Kathir telah dibawa sebuah riwayat Daripada Ibn ‘Abbas r.a yang berkata: Beberapa hari yang terbilang (dalam hadis di atas) adalah hari-hari Tasyriq. Dalam kitab tersebut Ibn Kathir r.h telah membawa sebuah riwayat daripada Nubayshah Al-Hudzali, beliau berkata Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Hari Tasyriq ialah hari untuk makan, minum dan berzikir. – Hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad di dalam Musnadnya, no: 19797
Menerusi hadis ini dapat kita fahami dua perkara tentang Hari Tasyriq, iaitu:
Pertama: Ia termasuk hari perayaan Aidiladha yang mana ia adalah hari untuk makan dan minum serta hari untuk bergembira. Oleh itu digalakkan untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga serta sahabat handai dengan menyediakan jamuan makan asalkan segala adab-adab yang dituntut oleh syarak dijaga serta tiada pembaziran. Justeru pada hari Tasyriq termasuk dalam hari-hari yang diharamkan untuk berpuasa. Ketika Abdullah bin Amru r.a bertemu dengan dengan ayahnya (‘Amru bin al-‘Ash r.a), ‘Amru bin al-’Ash sedang makan. Ayahnya menjemput Abdullah bin Amru untuk makan bersama tetapi beliau menolak dengan alasan sedang berpuasa. Lalu Amru bin al-Ash berkata: Ini adalah hari-hari (iaitu hari Tasyrik) yang dilarang oleh Rasulullah SAW untuk berpuasa dan menyuruh kita untuk menjadikannya (hari-hari) suci. – Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Imam Malik di dalam al-Muwatha’, hadis no: 137
Kedua: Ia merupakan hari untuk memperbanyakkan zikir kepada Allah terutamanya takbir dalam rangka memperbesarkan serta mengagungkan Allah SWT. Dalam Sahih al-Bukhari telah diriwayatkan: Ketika di Mina (pada hari-hari Tasyriq), Umar r.a mengumandangkan takbir di dalam khemahnya sehingga orang ramai yang berada di dalam masjid mendengarnya, maka mereka dan orang ramai yang sedang berada di pasar turut ikut mengumandangkan takbir sehingga kota Mina bergemuruh dengan takbir. Ibn Umar mengumandangkan takbir di Mina pada hari-hari itu (iaitu Tasyriq) setiap kali selesai melaksanakan solat, di tempat tidurnya, di khemah, di dalam masjid dan ketika dia sedang berjalan pada hari-hari itu. – Diriwayatkan oleh Imam al-Bukhari di bab Takbir Pada Hari-Hari Mina Dan Ketika Berangkat Menuju Arafah dalam Sahihnya
Allah SWT dengan sifat-Nya yang Maha Pemurah (al-Rahmah) lagi Maha Penyayang (al-Rahman) telah menetapkan sesetengah bulan itu memiliki keutamaan yang lebih berbanding bulan-bulan lain agar Dia dapat memberi ganjaran yang lebih kepada hamba-hamba-Nya pada kadar-kadar masa yang tertentu itu. Di antara bulan yang dianggap istimewa itu ialah Zulhijjah yang merupakan salah satu dari empat bulan-bulan haram penuh berkat.
November 5, 2010
November 4, 2010
Kontroversi Menara Warisan Merdeka
Bantah Menara Warisan Merdeka tak munasabah — Rejal Arbee
November 04, 2010
4 NOV — Kewujudan pelbagai blog dan portal berita di alam siber sudah memberikan ruang amat luas kepada sesiapa saja yang mempunyai komputer dan sambungan ke internet memberi pandangan mereka, hatta yang melampaui batas tanpa sebarang sekatan.Ramai mengharapkan dengan adanya kemudahan laman sosial seperti Twitter, Facebook dan pelbagai enjin carian, mereka yang mengambil bahagian dalam perbincangan melalui kemudahan ini akan lebih matang dan bertanggungjawab.
Agak malang apabila dilihat daripada pelbagai akhbar web serta blog tertentu begitu banyak sekali tuduhan dan tohmahan melampaui batas dan berbaur perkauman. Hingga ada yang tergamak mengatakan di Malaysia ini, walaupun terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum hanya satu kaum saja yang meraih segala-galanya.
Ada pula yang mentohmahkan bahawa agak pelik kaum majoritinya yang mendapat keistimewaan bukannya kaum minoriti yang berterusan ditekan. Bagi orang yang tidak tahu dan bagi rakyat negara ini yang tidak prihatin dan berpandangan sempit tohmahan dan fitnah itu adalah benar.
Jika benarlah orang Melayu saja menikmati segala-galanya dan bukan Melayu ditindas tidak akan wujud keadaan yang mana kebanyakan daripada aktiviti ekonomi dalam negara dikuasai kaum Cina. Lihat saja kedai yang wujud dalam bandar di seluruh negara mahu pun gedung besar di pasar raya berapa banyak yang dimiliki Melayu? Berapa kerat Melayu menguasai syarikat pengedar segala macam barangan di negara ini?
Jadi apabila dilihat keadaan sebenar tanpa sentimen melampau tentunya diketahui, walaupun Bumiputera dan Melayu terdiri daripada hingga 65 peratus daripada jumlah rakyat negara ini bukan mereka yang menguasai ekonomi negara ini, baik ekonomi nyata lebih-lebih lagi ekonomi gelap.
Jadi bagaimana orang berfikiran sempit ini tergamak mengatakan bahawa hanya Melayu saja yang meraih segala kenikmatan yang wujud?
Maka itu dalam alam siber ini, apa saja tuduhan boleh dibuat tanpa menghiraukan apakah ia benar atau fitnah dan sengaja diada-adakan. Portal berita dalam bahasa Inggeris ini memuatkan tohmahan yang jelas berbaur perkauman dan tuduhan melulu dan dilayari sesiapa saja, termasuk orang luar yang tentunya akan mempercayai apa yang ditohmahkan kerana tidak tahu yang sebenarnya.
Keadaan yang ada sekarang memberikan gambaran amat buruk terhadap orang Melayu dengan mewujudkan perasaan buruk sangka terhadap kerajaan. Maka itu persepsi buruk terhadap kerajaan sekarang begitu terkalbu dan amat meluas di ruang siber ini.
Kini sikap buruk sangka ini sudah menular kepada media “mainstream” pula. Sebuah stesen radio yang boleh dianggap sebagai demikian, BFM dalam ruang perbincangannya mengenai hartanah Sabtu lalu memberikan pandangan yang bukan saja tidak tepat, tetapi amat mengelirukan mengenai projek pembinaan Menara Warisan Merdeka.
Pengacara program itu bersama tetamunya, Fahmi Fadzil sudah membuat pelbagai tohmahan tidak betul terhadap pembinaan Menara Warisan Merdeka itu. Dari mula lagi pendengar rancangan diletakkan dalam kedudukan mempersoalkan projek itu apabila pengacaranya menyatakan mereka sudah menjemput beberapa orang penganalisis hartanah dan pemaju, tetapi enggan mengambil bahagian kononnya takut kalau-kalau mereka akan dipandang serong oleh PNB.
Gambaran yang hendak diwujudkan dari mula lagi bahawa semua penganalisis dan pemaju itu membangkangnya itulah sebabnya mereka “takut” mahu menyertai perbincangan itu. Sememangnya corak perbincangan itu berterusan saja persoal kenapa kerajaan mahu mengeluarkan perbelanjaan begitu besar hanya untuk mendirikan satu lagi menara tinggi. Apakah ia tidak akan menjadi satu lagi projek gajah putih.
Yang peliknya, walaupun pengacara dan tetamunya itu mengakui bahawa ia adalah projek PNB, iaitu sebuah badan swasta, perbincangan berterusan seolah-olah ia akan dibiayai kerajaan. Maka tetamunya pun menyebut berapa banyak sekolah dan hospital yang boleh dibina dengan perbelanjaan RM5 bilion itu.
Tidak disebut langsung bahawa tanah itu sudah dibeli oleh PNB untuk dimajukan. Tentunya PNB tidak akan belanja sehingga RM300 juta memiliki tanah itu untuk dibiarkan saja? Apakah PNB tidak boleh manfaatkan tanah miliknya untuk mendapat pulangan setimpal? Salahkah PNB melakukan yang terbaik untuk mendapatkan pulangan bagi pelaburannya semuanya pemilik pelbagai amanah saham yang dikendalikannya seperti ASN dan ASB?
Maka mereka pun menyebutlah bagaimana kini bantahan terhadap projek itu melebihi 200,000 dalam laman sosial Facebook. Juga ditohmahkan bagaimana rakyat akan menghukum kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) pada pilihan raya akan datang kiranya ia berterusan mahu melaksanakan projek ini. Apa pun jumlah rakyat Malaysia yang menjadi ahli Facebook sudah mencecah 8 juta.
Dalam pada itu, sebuah akhbar Inggeris pula menyentuh bagaimana di sekeliling kawasan itu ada sekolah Cina dan bangunan Cina. Manakala akhbar Nanyang Siang Pau menyindir projek raksasa itu yang akan mengakibatkan kesesakan lalu lintas yang tidak mungkin boleh dileraikan. Kata akhbar itu, kini pun dengan dua sekolah Cina berdekatan dan Victoria Institution, kesesakan lalu lintas sudah cukup teruk. Apakah pelajarnya nanti perlu menginap di menara itu supaya mereka tidak akan lambat ke sekolah?
Masalah ini tentunya tidak akan timbul kiranya ia tidak disebut dalam ucapan pembentangan bajet negara. Ia tidak sepatutnya disentuh langsung dalam bajet kerana ia bukanlah projek kerajaan dan dibiayai pembayar cukai.
Ia adalah projek swasta yang tidak memerlukan satu sen pun wang kerajaan. Ia adalah wang pelabur ASN atau ASB dan saham amanah lain yang dikendalikan PNB. Jadi kenapa berterusan seolah-olah ia akan dibiayai kerajaan? Maka timbullah tohmahan bagaimana kos projek Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang atau Istana Negara melambung hingga bukan-bukan untuk memberi gambaran bagaimana kos RM5 bilion ini tentunya akan melambung juga akhirnya?
Pada harga ini pun pulangan daripada pendapatan sewa semua ruangnya yang akan wujud tidak mungkin boleh menampung segala kosnya, demikian mengikut Radio BFM itu. — Berita Harian
* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.
October 31, 2010
Colonization of Sarawak 1963?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
How Taib Conspired With Malaya In the Colonization Of Sarawak
Empowering Through History - Conclusion
By Bunga Pakma
All we can do now is vote. What is passed has been done. We make the future for ourselves.
See also:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 and
Part 4.
Posted by Al Tugauw
By Bunga Pakma
On 16 September 1963, all the elements were in place for the unfolding of a political story which, whatever its outcome would be, was certain to go through strange and wrenching twists of plot. Some of these elements were clear to see, others hidden.
It must have crossed many observers’ minds that the component states that made up this new “Malaysia” were an odd quartet. Malaya was a patchwork of small states, most of them feudal régimes headed by Malay kinglets. Singapore was a commercial city-state, predominantly Chinese with a strong British cast, but wholly business. Sarawak—Britain’s last pukka colony—had been ruled by a white family for 100 years, and Sabah had emerged from the strange position of being run by a Limited Company.
Each partner-to-be in the Malaysian enterprise joined with vastly differing experiences and expectations. The only thing they had in common was that each territory was home to a bewildering variety of peoples, languages and cultures, and none of these people had ever known anything except authoritarian rule. Upon what did they believe they were to agree?
As we have seen, Malaysia was a marriage of convenience, particularly for the convenience of the Malayan élite and the British. Love had no place in the arrangement, and inevitably members would be fighting as to who “wore the pants” in the foursome. KL took a traditional Islamic view of the federation. KL was the husband, and he took three wives. Singapore disputed KL’s position and demanded to be treated as an equal partner. KL booted Singapore out of Malaysia.
That left Semenanjung and Sabah and Sarawak. KL was hardly as noble as D’Artagnan, and the principle that governed Federal/East M’sian relations was not “One for all and all for one.” The mere notion of treating others as equal partners is as repugnant to the Malay élite as a ham sandwich.
My main source for today’s piece is Michael Leigh’s The Rising Moon: Political Change in Sarawak, published by Sydney University Press 1974. Much has happened since then, but Leigh’s study remains quite fresh. The pattern of Sarawak/Semenanjung relations Leigh demonstrates at the very beginning of Malaysia remains intact today.
The Peninsular élite—and that includes the Tunku—may not have consciously thought the word “colonize” in connection with Sarawak, but their actions declared that this was their aim. Sarawak’s first chief minister, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, explicitly voiced his concerns at Peninsular neo-colonialism. Ningkan was a Sarawak patriot and a tough fighter. He had most Sarawakians behind him. Alas, he was nourishing a viper in his bosom.
A young Melanau man named Abdul Taib bin Mahmud had taken a degree in Law at the University of Adelaide in 1960 and was thus one of the very few natives qualified for government service. He, together with his uncle Abdul Rahman bin Ya’kub, was a founder-member of the party Barisan Ra’ayat Jati Sarawak. Leigh comments:
“…[BARJASA] served to underline and help perpetuate the most basic cleavage within the Malay community, one which had disrupted personal relationships from the time of Cession. The chairman… the highest ranking Sibu Malay…had clashed bitterly with the Datu Bandar…” (30)
BARJASA, then, was created to further personal jealousies and ambitions, not issues. BARJASA was a component of the Alliance (modeled on that of Malaya) formed in 1962. BARJASA had close ties with and received much support from their Peninsular counterparts.
Taib did not stand for election next year. Nonetheless, his party won 20% of seats in the Council Negri and he was appointed to the first cabinet as Minister of Communications and Works. His uncle Ya’kub (sic) went to KL as Deputy Minister and worked directly with Razak.
Ningkan faced crisis after crisis in his few years as chief minister. The Tunku had no patience with Ningkan’s insistence on Sarawak’s states rights (including the retention of English), and was irritated by the squabbling among Sarawak Malay leaders.
There is a gap in the narrative as Leigh tells it. In June 1966 twenty-one Alliance members of the Council Negri signed a petition stating they had lost confidence in Kalong Ningkan and demanded his removal. This was presented to the Tunku, and the Tunku dismissed Ningkan.
Ningkan, says Leigh, believed that his accusers had been flown to KL in order to sign the paper there. What is left unclear to me is: 1) What was the efficient cause for such a drastic step? (I say “drastic” because a vote of no confidence must constitutionally be put to the Council in session; a piece of paper is not a vote.) 2) Who organized the petition? Leigh implies that Taib was the man who brought these signatures to the Tunku (105). Can we infer that Taib was the principle mover behind the plot to oust Ningkan?
With plenty of help from KL, a new Sarawak government was formed under Tawi Sli, Dayak, but a more compliant fellow, in July. Taib promptly created a new ministry for himself. This new Ministry of Development and Forestry “cut across the lines of responsibility in a number of departments,” in other words, Taib could make decisions on his own without consulting any other ministry. That’s power.
The Supreme Court declared Ningkan’s dismissal unconstitutional. Acting PM Razak rushed to Kuching and tried to arrange a quick no-confidence vote. Ningkan managed to block that, so Razak declared a state of emergency. My, how easy. Then Razak changed the Federal constitution, and sacked Ningkan for good. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Ya’kub and Taib rebranded themselves as Party Bumiputra in 1968. Voting in the General Election started 10 May 1969, and we all know what happened then. Parliamentary democracy was cancelled for a year. Elections were re-run in June 1970. Early next month PM Razak flew to Kuching and cut a deal that put Ya’kub (sic) in as Chief Minister.
So this Melanau family at last succeeded in founding a dynasty. After this Accession, nothing has changed politically for forty years. In 1981 the CM changed. We did note that some unpleasantness was taking place in the family.
As Gibbon says, history is the record of the “crimes, follies, and disasters of mankind.” Let me recap the lessons of Sarawak history as I see them under these three heads.
The signal disasters Sarawak suffered in the 20th century were two. A weak, irresponsible, unimaginative and vain rajah came to power. He neglected to care for what was entrusted to him and he refused to let anyone take up that trust. Then when the Japanese were defeated, Sarawak became the spoils of an imperialistic power. Her fate was taken from her hands, and Sarawak became a little piece in the great, big important game of the Cold War.
Things without number come under the class of follies. If the British thought they were establishing democracy here, they were quite mistaken. The British could never quit the habits of behaving as if superior, of ordering people around and wanting to have everything their
way.They rushed out of Sarawak in unseemly haste after having prepared a régime that would stay attached to British interests (i.e. not Communist), but with no clear plan for the welfare of Sarawak’s people. George Bush is a recent example of the same unconcern.
The Brits essentially left Sarawak naked and defenseless against the first opportunist to come along. So now we consider crimes. That first opportunist was Malaya. The Malay élite feels only contempt for Others (especially brown people who are not Muslims) and they reasoned that Sarawak’s resources should go to real human beings who deserve them.
It was not going to be easy for KL to colonize Sarawak without a partner in crime, an insider. Ya’kub (sic) and Taib presented themselves at the first opportunity. From a young age Taib shaped his career to one end, the acquisition of absolute authority over Sarawak and its resources. Unlike many cunning men, he achieved his plan. In the devil’s arts of creating and using division, distrust, hate, and greed, he is a master. As for the art of deception, I don’t know. Many of us have smelled him from long ago, and didn’t like what they smellt, but Taib certainly can gull a mark. In the process Taib has beggared us, destroyed many, many lives and rendered this beautiful state a waste land.
See also:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 and
Part 4.
The fall of Malacca 1511
The Demise of Malacca
Sat, 30 Oct 2010 15:45
Free Malaysia Today
"The port of Malacca was in a horrible state of affairs. Every night, the river of Malacca had to be chained with logs, to keep the marauding Pirates from attacking this small port. Sailors had to sleep in their ships, to safeguard their cargo, and to prevent the frequent attacks and the burning of ships... Malacca was no longer safe"... -Portuguese Records.
Malacca was never the largest port in SEA. It was never the most important port either. It was always overshadowed by Tioman, Pasai, Patanni, Aceh, and so on. The trouble is, the Indonesian Government does not even want to recognize the Acehnese Kingdom anywhere in their Textbooks, or present day Maps, simply because the Acehnese are claiming independence. (The same quashing of this history is happening to Pattani, hence the everyday violence in Yala, Songkla, Satun and Narathiwat.) The Acehnese territories had been under the Ottoman Empire for a brief spell in the 12th & 13th Century. This leads to further Academic complications as the Ottoman Empire was a creation of the Mongols of Gengis Khan. The Khan's also ruled all of India, and their subsequent descendants built the Taj Mahal. (BTW, Shahrukh Khan, Riz Khan, Yahingir Khan, Jansher Khan are all descendants of the Gengis Khan family.)
You need to understand that the Mongols, or also known as the Moghuls, were of multiple religions. You had the Muslims, the Buddhists, and these Mongolians did actually live in harmony. It wasn't until the days of Kublai Khan when trouble began, as his uncles were too busy fighting each other for territories. Needless to say, Kublai Khan resolved all these issues, and built his Xanadu, in Beijing, known as the Forbidden City today. Yes. Altantuya's ancestor-relatives built the Taj Mahal, and Forbidden City.
Now all this happened BEFORE the birth of Parameswara's great-grandfather. This was the 12th Century. Circa 200 years, right around the time when the Majapahit Kingdom fled, and broke away from the Srivijaya Kingdom. The Majapahit Kingdom then begged China many many times to "recognise, and legalize" their position in Palembang. The vicious Javanese Srivijayan's duly killed the Chinese Emissaries of the Ming, and refused to recognize Majapahit. They had made enemies with the Thais, who were then, under the control of the new Kingdom of Sukkhotai. Yes, Sukkhotai was only formed in the 13th Century. Preciously, Siam were ruled by the Angkorians in the 11th and 12th Century, and subsequently by the Burmese (Bago) from 1558-1773.
Back to the Majapahitans. They even started using and manufacturing their own Chinese coins, known as the Kepeng during the 13th Century. Please remember that the Majapahitans are really Javanese. These Hindus severely oppressed and ruled the gentle Malays of Jambi with an iron thumb. The Malays were innocent Buddhists then. The Hindu Majapahitan Javanese then quashed whatever was left of the Malays, and destroyed most, if not all, of the Malay Buddhist Temples. They all lie in ruins underwater in the Melayu River today. They await Archaeological Excavations, even though they were found more than 12 years ago.
Now this sets the stage for Parameswara. He wanted to kill his own father, because he was greedy, and wanted to be King of Majapahit, and was immediately issued a death warrant by his own father. He then fled to Temasik, where he killed King Tamagi, (who was the Brother of the King of Pattani, then under the rule of Ayodthaya). The port of Patani at that time was one of the busiest and wealthiest ports in the region with trade from China, Japan, Portugal and later on the British, apart from the local traders. The materials on trade were gold, cotton, silk, spices, porcelain and pottery.
Patanni was an excellent Port, situated right in between the Champa Kingdom of Vietnam, and Aceh of Sumatera. Furthermore, Lembah Bujang had been in existence since the 2nd Century, and was considered to be one of the Holiest Hindu sites in Southeast Asia. This was also the oldest Hindu known site in all of SEA. The second oldest would be in My Son (pronounced Mee Senn) in Central Vietnam, of the 3rd Century, under the Champa Empire. Borrobudor (Buddhist) was built n the 6th Century, and Angkor (Hindu), was built in the 8th Century.
All these Kingdoms were constantly flipping between Hinduism, and Buddhism. Depending on the Kings which ruled, their Kingdoms would constantly change from Hinsuism to Buddhism all the time. As such, Prambanan, Chandi Sukkho and Chandi Chetto, and more than 600 Hindu or Buddhist temples were built in Java during the Srivijayan Period alone. The same was true of Angkor. The Kings often hacked the statues of Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, or Ganesan, and replaced them Buddha each time the Kings decided to change religions.
Such was the turbulent backdrop against which Malacca was to enter. It is important to note the dominance of the popular Religions, depending on the incoming traders as well. When the Gujerati traders first arrived in the 2nd Century, they were Hindu. When the same Gujerati traders arrived in the 10th Century, many had converted religions already. Champions of Islam were also arriving. Most notably, was Syed Bukhari, who smashed his penis on a stone, so that he would not "think evil thoughts", was one such Champion. The stone where he smashed his penis can still be viewed in Pariaman, West Sumatera. The Mingangkabau's are extremely proud of it, although we do not know anyone who has emulated Syed Bukhari recently.
On the same topic, Zheng He was probably either never circumcised, or perhaps he was "overcircumcised", as he was a Eunuch. I find it extremely strange that so many Chinese Temples are built in his honor, despite him being a Muslim. Regardless, Zheng He probably helped bring Islam into Malacca, along with his 30,000 Military Armada. The Sultan of Brunei, among others went to China to pay respects to the Ming Emperor. All Ming Emperor's names began with "Tzu" (pronounced Chu), so the fairy tale of Hang Li Poh being a Ming Princess doesn't hold water. There are those who claim that Hang Tu Ah translates to "Noble Warrior/ Leader" in the Thai Language. But, that remains to be confirmed.
It is important to note that despite Malacca having all the written records of a Maritime Law, the question of enforcement has never been brought up. The Royal Sampan Armada was never found, nor was there any grave of any Sultan during the classical Malacca Period.
The only one which is highly suspect, is the one found in Fort Canning Hill in Singapore. However, once you know that Parameswara killed the Temasik King, Tamagi, then, it is highly unlikely that the Malaccan Javanese and Bugis migrants would carry the body of Parameswara all the way back to Singapore for burial. The ruling Thai's would have never allowed this to happen. Also having said that, just like the grave of Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Kesturi, Hang Lekir, and Hang Lekiu, there was never any names written on their grave (unlike the Acehnese Gravestones). All that was there, was a large stone. So, perhaps it was "Officially designated" as a tourist site, and a subtle claim of "Validation", which turned these unknown graves into the graves of warriors.
Just as the Tourism Malaysia Signage states (at the grave of Hang Tuah) "... This was a large stone, marking a grave, and hence, it must have been an important person. As such, it could have been no other than that of Hang Tuah". You see, this is open admission that no one really even knows whose grave this is. Also, by admission, "All we found was a large stone".
Yet, today, this Alleged Hang Tuah Grave is styled like the Touristy "Hang Graves" found in town near Jonker Street. I also find it extremely ironic that Hang Tuah's grave is situated in Kampong Keling. It is only dutiful of me to note now, that it becomes even more ironic that one can find alleged Soldier and Warrior Graves, but not one single Sultan. Yes. Not one single Sultan's Grave has ever been found.
Nor has there been ever any building, or structure of the Great Malaccan Empire been found either. Not one !! Why is this so? Is the Glory of Malacca a fictitious creation no different from the Mythical "Social Contract" which UMNO raves about?
I now turn your attention to Pulau Besar, situated just off the coast of Malacca. You can reach that place by regular Ferry. Why has this island never been mentioned or offered as proof of Malacca? The island is beautiful !! It boasts a golf course which has changed hands at least 4 times (coz of Bankruptcy), and a magnificent Marina City, which has yet to be launched. Construction completed in 2001. And the white sandy beaches are a joy to sunbathe on. The reason? It is apparently haunted !!
Putting ghost stories aside. This island has more than 1,000 graves !!! Of these thousand graves, two are Muslim Graves. And all the rest are Hindu Graves. Many Indians, Muslims, and Chinese flock to this Island on the weekends to pay homage. The graves are from the Malaccan Period, and yet has never been offered as "Proof". Why?
Because there were only TWO Muslim Graves. It is most interesting to note that people go there to pray for Lottery numbers and such. It is even more interesting to note that the Malaccan Government destroyed 7 graves belonging to 7 Brothers. Who are these 7 brothers? And how important were they to warrant their graves to be destroyed with a Bulldozer by Malaysian Officials? And where are any of the Malaccan Kings?
And why is the only other Cemetery, the one on Bukit China? Why are Hindu, and Chinese Graves the only reminders of this allegedly Great Muslim Empire? Where are the Muslim Graves?
The Muslims do NOT cremate their dead, and throw them into the sea, so, again, and again, I question the validity of any Muslim evidence in Malacca.
I stress that the ONLY item which suggests that there was a Malacca was a solitary coin minted. I wrote about it sometime ago (Click HERE). Even then, the coin only states "Yang Arif", which means "The Smart One".
So either this King had no name, or it was not even a Malaccan coin at all !! Half the guys in town are called Arif today. This does not mean in any way that any of them minted this coin. It is also interesting to note that this coin is called a "pitis". As all of us know, the "Pitis" was a solitary coin ripped off from the Duit Pokok, which was used to be presented to the Siamese Kings. Bank Simpanan Nasional still reminds Malaysians of this tribute paid to Ketuanan Siam, as they still use it as their Logo today.
The other issue is the chronology of events. It was recorded that the Thai's attacked Malacca in 1447, and yet, the battle was fought in Muar. Perhaps, we have all been searching in the wrong place, and the original and REAL Malacca is Muar.
Geographically, the Muar river is far superior to the Malacca River. It is as wide as the Singapore River, and the waters are calm. All maps which we see from the Portuguese, and the Dutch, show present day Malacca. This is easy to understand, if the Portuguese relocated Malacca, from Muar to present day Malacca. This also makes perfect sense, that not one artefact from during the "Zaman Gemilang Malacca" has ever been found.
All we see today, are the 16th and 17th Century buildlings. Namely, the Portuguese "A Famosa" Gate, the Dutch Stadhuys, St Paul's Church, and the Dutch Graves located behind it. The fake Museum replica was only recently built to provide an "imaginary" illusion that there was once a magnificent Malacca in its' present day location. Of course, no one will find anything from the pre-Portuguese days.
Present day Malacca is probably NOT even THE Malacca !!! It is simply just another Kampong Nelayan which the Portuguese took over. Even Kampong Keling, and all the other "supporting Villages" which surround present day Malacca do not have a shred of evidence that any of them existed during the "Zaman Gemilang Malacca".
This is so strange. Any visitor should go see "Zaman Gemilang Portuguese dan Belanda" instead. Malacca is begining to be another "National Embarrassment" soon, if this is not quickly rectified.
Assuming now, that there was indeed a Malacca, (but located in Muar), it is important to understand the state of affairs in and around Southeast Asia. Majapahit was going through tough times. The kings were assassinating each other, and there was Civil War in Java between 1401-1406. During the same period, there were also Multiple Earthquakes, Floods, Tsunami's and severe Drought.
All this took its toll on the warring Majapahit, and Srivijayan Kingdoms. Names such as Bhre Kertabhumi, Kertavijaya, Purvavisesha, Bhre Padan Salas, and so on dominated the scene begining with the assasination of Kertavijaya. All wanted to grab power. Most of Indonesia was divided, and subdivided into really small mirco-Kingdoms, and each was fighting the other for power, and control.
As such, the neighbouring ports benefited from this. Malacca (situated in Muar) was one such Port. It was small, young, and was adequately supplying resources to passing ships. However, things changed for the worse towards the end of the 15th Century. In 1499, Majapahit sent a last-resort plea to China to ask for financial assistance. It had gone bankrupt, and foreign merchants had decided not to stop there anymore. Malacca, and the other Sumatran Sultanates colluded to attack the northern Empires of Java. By 1500, they had suceeded in controlling all of the North of the Java.
The most powerful of this Alliance was the Demak Dynasty. He had 30,000 men, was much stronger than Malacca, and he was Chinese. His name is Cek Kok Po. He later adopted the Javanese name of Raden Patah, when he married his Javanese wife. The second strongest Force was Surabaya. The Portuguese saw this as a great opportunity to advance itself to the Spice Islands. As such, it immediately saw that the Civil Wars going on in Java had completely weakened itself. Perang Saudara was working for the Portuguese. However, this same Perang Saudara was also crippling the export of the much needed spices to the West, and their meats were rotting during the warm months of Summer.
In 1509, the first Royal Portuguese trading expedition commanded by Diego Lopez de Sequiera with a fleet of 18 ships arrives in Malacca hence the first European to arrive here. The locals called the Portuguese `Benggali Putih'. In an argument over the collection of "Malaccan taxes", vs the Portuguese going to the Maluku islands to obtain their own spices resulted in the Portuguese ships being ferociously attacked by Malacca. Most escaped except for 20 prisoners. Thus, hatched the idea of Bludgeoning Malacca to use it's strategic location to attack Java, and thus command the Spice Trade of the West. Thus began all the report speaking good things about Malacca to obtain Military funding for the Expedition to control Java, and Maluku.
Now, the following is what was never taught in schools:
B. W. Diffie and G. D. Winius in the book "Foundations of the Portuguese Empire 1415-1580" wrote: "the capture of Malacca by a mere 900 Portuguese and 200 Indians must rank as an event in the history of European expansion no less stunning than the better known conquest of Tenochtitlan by Hernando Cortés". Malacca claimed to have 100,000 fighting men, as was written in Sejarah Melayu (Asal-Usul Raja-Raja). So, either the 100,000 fighting men were utterly useless warriors, or someone was lying about the number. Or, the 900 Portuguese and 200 Indian Warriors had some "special Ketuanan" of sorts...
In 1510, Bendahara Tun Mutahir plots to assassinate the Sultan. Sultan Mahmud Shah executes him and his entire family instead. Sultans Ahmad Shah succeeded the throne temporary from his father Sultan Mahmud Shah. Internal strife of Malacca had begun. With more and more ships skipping past Malacca to go and directly obtain their Spices from Maluku, Malacca was left High-and-Dry. Its neighbours were all at war, and despite its contributions to the attack and conquest of North Java, Malacca was left with absolutely no control whatsoever of any territorial land in Java. In essence, Malacca was cheated, and now it was now suffering. The Portuguese obtained the help of Utimutiraja. He was a Javanese Spy who had a beef with Malacca because of the Malaccan role in the vicious attacks on Java. This Javanese Trader brought with him, his 5,000 personal Militia, to assist in conquering Malacca. All these 5,000 Javanese had developed strong hate for Malacca for their role in the destruction of Javanese Trade, and the capture of Northern Java by the Sumaterans. However, Utimutiraja became greedy. Before the Portuguese started to set sail, he decided to be a two-time spy. The Portuguese executed him instead for his "changing of sides". They then sought the help of a local Malaccan Chitty named Nina Chatu. This local rich Chitty then helped the Portuguese obtain information and deliver information for the impending attack. Meanwhile, the Malaccan Sultanate was still squabbling over which part of North Java they were supposed to control. The port was ignored, and all the traders had gone. This Chitty was very intelligent and smart. He managed to enlist the help of all the traders who were either cheated, or robbed by the Malaccan Sultan, or were disgruntled in some way or another. Thus, the Thais, the Sumatrans, and many Javanese pooled their resources to help the Portuguese. And this was done in record time too. Exactly the following year, the Portuguese return to take over Malacca. Alfonso d' Albuquerque brought his Portuguese fleet, and together with the Thais, the Sumatrans, the Javanese, and a handful of "dan lain-lain" ships attack Malacca on the 10 August 1511, and succeeded.
The Portuguese now had the perfect location from which they could launch strikes against the Javanese who were already so severely weakened, and crippled by their Civil Wars. To add to their problems, the Sumaterans were also constantly attacking the island of Java.
The year is 1628. And the Acehnese ruled Malacca for 8 months. Why was Acehnese Rule never discussed in Malaysian History Books? This was not the first time the Acehnese attacked Malacca. They attacked it in 1537, 1568, 1571, 1582, and terrorized Malacca for the next 60 years. The question is why? Here's the reason. The Portuguese wrote that Malacca was a very important location. This was not from the standpoint of Trade. But this was from the standpoint of a good base to launch attacks on the already weakened Javanese. And why Java? because they were a threat to obtaining "Droga" (Spices in Portuguese) for sale to the entire Western World. Therefore, "He who controls Malacca controls all of Europe" phrase was coined. This was said precisely to obtain the much needed Portuguese Military Funding to launch those attacks. This gamble proved to be correct.
Even before the construction of the A Formosa was completed, the King of Cerebon, King Suliwangi sent 2 Emissaries in 1512, 1nd 1513 to the Portuguese in Malacca to beg for their help. They pleaded with Henrique Leme (Captain, and Ambassador) to help stop the attack of the Cek Kok Poh. The Sultan of Demak from Sumatera. True enough, in 1513, Cek Kok Po, the Chinese Sultan of Demak decides to attack Malacca, as it was a threat to their impending attack on Cerebon. He failed to stop the Portuguese. In gratitutde, the King of Cerebon signed a treaty which allowed the Portuguese of Malacca to build a Defense Fortress and setup a Portuguese settlement in Sunda Kelapa.
Every year, the Pajajaran Kings would then pay the Portuguese 20 tonnes of Pepper for continued protection of North Java. Menawhile, the runaway Older Son of the deposed King of Malacca was volleying continuos attacks on Malacca, in 1518, 1519, and 1523. Each time, he failed. Just for continuity's sake, here is the rest of the Royal Bloodline of Johor. Sultan Mahmud Shah ruled from 1511 to 1528, Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah ruled from 1528 to 1564, Sultan Muzaffar Shah ruled from 1564 to 1570, Sultan Jalla Abdul Riayat Shah ruled from 1570 to 1597, Sultan Alauddin ruled from 1597 to 1612, Sultan Abdullah Maayat Shah ruled from 1612 to 1623, Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah II ruled from 1623 to 1677, Sultan Ibrahim ruled from 1677 to 1699
Sultan Mahmud, the ruler of Johor, was a savage and vindictive sadist. He was assassinated in 1699 by a group of nobles, with the killing blow struck by Tun Mergat Seri Rama, whose pregnant wife had been disembowelled at court as a result of Mahmud’s orders. The Bendahara, Abdul Jalil, seizing the opportunity, immediately appointed himself as Sultan. Parameswara's eldest son's Bloodline ends here. The present day Sultanate of Johore, is descended from a completely unrelated Bendahara Line, and has no ties to the Javanese-Parameswara line whatsoever.
The Bendahara, Abdul Jalil took over the throne from 1699 to 1717, Sultan Suleiman Badr Al-Aman Shah ruled from 1722 to 1760, Sultan Abdul Jalil Muazzam ruled on 1760 and Sultan Mahmud ruled from 1761 to 1813, and the rest is history.
Meanwhile, the story continues at Malacca. The Portuguese realized that they could never advance to Java from their Position in Goa. Hence, they chose Malacca as a new camp. Why Malacca? It would have been suicidal to try to take over Aceh, Pasai, or Majapahit, as they were simply too strong and well fortified. Singapore wasn't to be "discovered" for the next 200 years. Plus, it was located smack in the middle of the Pirate-Infested Johore-Riau Islands. Hence, Malacca was chosen. It was financially weakened, by the Malaccan attacks on North Java, it was in a relatively unprotected part of the Sumatran Straits, and (regardless of whether it was actually in Muar or Johor), it was generally well known to be the weakest of any Ports in the region. Since Malacca was only chosen as a Port from which to launch Military Mission, the real capabilities of Malacca as a trading port became irrelevant. It wasn't long before VOA, (under the Dutch), began to realize the importance of Maluku, and decided to set their sights on Java. The very factors which allowed the Portuguese to conquer Malacca, became their weakness, and they succumbed to the Dutch in 1645.
You see, Malacca was not the great Port it was made out to be. It was a Military location, poised for launching attacks onto Java, and various other parts of Indonesia. It was a Naval Base, of sorts. Not a Trading Post.
All the nice descriptions of Malacca was simply to obtain Military funding. Most important to note, is, there is no evidence of any pre-Portuguese Malacca anywhere to be found. You want a real Location? Try Lembah Bujang instead !!!
Built in the 2nd century with the help of the Gujerati's, the local Malays were iconic Hindu's, and helped spread Hinduism all over Southeast Asia fro a staggering 1,500 years. This was known as the Golden Hindu Era. Lembah Bujang is a real Empire, built 1,200 years BEFORE Malacca !!
From Lembah Bujang, Hinduism spread to the Kingdom of Champa in the 3rd Century. And then to Borrobudor in the 6th Century, and lastly to Angkor in the 8th Century. The Kingdom of Angkor was destroyed in the 13th century, a full 200 years before Parameswara was even born !! That is the importance of Lembah Bujang.
Short of Perak Man from 10,000 years ago, and Niah Caves from 40,000 years ago, nothing else compares to the age of Lembah Bujang !! But using Perak Man, or Niah Man would be opening an entirely new can of worms, because they were both Negritos, hence, fortifying the Orang Asli's position as the one and true Bumiputras of Malaysia.
I rest my case.
- Fernandis, Gerard "Save our Portuguese heritage conference 95 Malacca, Malaysia" 103 pp. Gerard Fernandis, 1995, Malacca, Malaysia. A very interesting book on the Portuguese heritage and history in Malacca.
- Irwin, G. W. "Melaka fort" In "Melaka-The Transformation of a Malay Capital c. 1400-1980" Vol. one Edited by Kernial Singh Sandhu, Paul Wheatley. p. 195-241.
- Leupe, P.A. "The seige and capture of Malacca from the Portuguese in 1640-1641" JMBRAS vol, 14, pt. 1 (1936) pp 1-176.
- Noonan, L. "The Portuguese in Malacca: a study of the first major european impact on East Asia" In: "Studia" N° 23 April, pp. 33-104 Centro de Estudos Historicos Ultramarinos, 1968, Lisbon, Portugal.
- O'Neill, Brian Juan " A tripla identidade dos portugueses de Malaca"
- Sandhu K. and Wheatley P. " Melaka; The Transformation of a Malay Capital c1400 - 1980" ?
A complete study on Malacca town from the beginning till today, with a bibliography of Melaka studies.
- Silva Rego, Padre Antonio da "A Comunidade Luso-Malaia de Malaca e Singapura "
Also in: Silva Rego, Padre Antonio da "Dialecto Portugues de Malaca e outros escritos" 304 pp. (Cadernos Ásia) CNCDP, 1998, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Silva Rego, Padre Antonio da "A Cultura Portuguesa na Malaia e em Singapura "
Also in: Silva Rego, Padre Antonio da "Dialecto Portugues de Malaca e outros escritos" 304 pp. (Cadernos Ásia) CNCDP, 1998, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Sousa Pinto, P. J. de "Portugueses e Malaios: Malaca e os Sultanatos de Johor e Achém 1575-1619"
Malaca e o Estado da India: enquadramento economico, quadro politico militar; Malaca e a geopolitica dos estreitos 1575-1619, Portugueses e Malaios, a cidade de Malaca.
Sousa Pinto, P. J. de "Capitaes e casados: um retrato de Malaca nos finais do seculo XVI"
In: "Oceanos" n° 32 Outubro - Dezembro 1997, pp. 45-60
- Sta Maria, Bernard "My people, my country. The story of the Malacca Portuguese community" ?
Draws attention to role of lay groups in keeping the faith particularly during the Dutch period.
- Sta Maria, Joseph "Where do we go from here ?"
- Subrahmanyam, Sanjay "Commerce and conflict: two views of Portuguese Melaka in the 1620s" ?
- Teixeira, Manuel "The Portuguese missions in Malacca and Singapore (1511-1958)" ?
- Thomaz, Luís Filipe Ferreira Reis "Early Portuguese Malacca"
From: Thesis "Os Portugueses em Malaca: 1511-1580" Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 218 pp. maps 2 voll. 1964, Lisboa.
This volume comprises three essays on the city of Malacca and its society, during the first decades of Portuguese rule.
- Thomaz, Luis Filipe Ferreira Reis "The Indian merchant communities in Malacca under the Portuguese rule" ?
Sarawak Islamic Fashion Show
The guests included Sarawak Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud and many of the glittering and bejewelled female members of his own family. These will have all doubtless have attended for free. On the other hand, the businessmen, who were arm-twisted into supporting the event, are said to have had to pay a RM1 million donation!
An Example from our ‘First Family’?
Now Sarawak Report has come into possession of a series of photographs of Sarawak’s ‘First Family’ that may very well send the Muslim clerics into a state of shock. It seems that the sisters, daughters and nieces of our Chief Minister are by no means the sober, modest exemplars of Muslim womanhood in the way that they expect others to behave.
To the contrary, while by day Taib’s women present themselves as international company directors and top businesswomen, come party-time we find them flaunting themselves in low-cut dresses and lewd poses, which would put most normal women to shame. Sarawak Report has no wish to impose any form of dress or behaviour on modern women. However, we do suggest that BN’s Muslim moralisers should live up to their own strictures in a country where women can be severely punished for drinking in public or behaving lewdly.
For this reason the female members of Taibs family must be grateful that they are in fact living in the State of Sarawak, which is Christian and therefore minded to forgive sinners and fallen women. These are the Taibs own pictures. These women posed for them and then posted them up on Facebook. We think that the people of Sarawak, not just their hundreds of facebook friends should be entitled to see them and come to their own conclusions.
Sarawak Report
October 29, 2010
Enam belas rahsia seks bergelora
1. Manjakan diri di luar kamar tidur. Seks tak melulu berurusan dengan kamar tidur Anda. Lakukan hubungan seks sesekali di bagian lain yang nyaman di rumah Anda. Kamar mandi dengan bathtub bisa menjadi variasi lainnya. Atau sesekali, pergilah memanjakan diri bersama pasangan untuk menikmati perawatan spa berpasangan. Melakukan kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan rileks bersama pasangan menimbulkan energi positif yang bisa merangsang gairah seks Anda.
"Saat fisik dan pikiran terasa seimbang, seks akan menjadi lebih hebat," kata Sharon Christie, pakar farmasi dari AromaFloria.
2. Lupakan masa lalu. Saat sedang berhubungan seks, cobalah untuk menyingkirkan pikiran buruk tentang masa lalu. Nikmati saja apa yang ada saat ini. Pikiran negatif seperti ini merusak suasana seksi saat seharusnya Anda menikmati seks bersama pasangan.
"Seks menjadi lebih menggairahkan jika pasangan menghadirkan dirinya pada saat itu dan menikmati momen yang ada," ujar Robert Whitman, fotografer spesialis pasangan.
3. Lakukan saja, jangan banyak pertimbangan. Mood untuk melakukan hubungan seks bisa diciptakan. Anda dan pasangan boleh saja tak bergairah pada awalnya. Namun selama menjalaninya Anda dan pasangan semakin menikmati aktivitas seks.
Jadi, jangan tunggu mood seks itu datang. Anda bisa menemukan mood positif itu dengan lebih peka merespons tanda dari pasangan Anda.
"Meski awalnya tidak mood, namun jika peka dengan pasangan, Anda bisa menemukan kesenangan dan menjadi lebih bergairah dari sebelumnya," papar Michele Weiner-Davis, penulis The Sex-Starved Marriage.
4. Camkan ini: Tubuh Anda seksi meski tak sempurna. Banyak perempuan yang terobsesi menurunkan berat badan dan menjadi kurus. Sementara banyak pria yang menyenangi lekukan pada tubuh perempuan. Perempuan acapkali merasa tak puas dengan tubuhnya yang tak sempurna. Perubahan fisik pascamelahirkan menjadi pemicu lain ketidakpuasan fisik perempuan ini.
Perempuan seringkali membandingkan tubuhnya dengan idealitas tubuh pada majalah atau selebriti. Lantas perempuan merasa tak nyaman dengan dirinya.
Lisa Masterson, MD, dokter kandungan dan kebidanan yang juga desainer pakaian dalam, mengatakan jika Anda tak nyaman dengan tubuh, konsultasikan kepada pakar dan bukan berasumsi dan menyalahkan diri sendiri.
"Jika persoalannya kelebihan berat badan, lakukan perawatan dengan bantuan dokter. Jika ingin menjalani diet sehat, hubungi pakar nutrisi. Lakukan sesuatu yang bisa membuat Anda lebih bahagia," kata Masterson.
Prinsipnya, Anda lah yang bertanggung jawab atas diri Anda, termasuk membangun kembali kepercayaan diri. Inilah kunci menikmati berbagai pengalaman liar di ranjang bersama pasangan.
5. Hentikan orgasme palsu. Orgasme tak sekadar pertanda atas kondisi kesehatan Anda yang prima dan bahwa Anda puas dengan pasangan. Orgasme juga meningkatkan level oksitosin dan vasopressin di otak. Hormon inilah yang memicu kehangatan atau romantisme yang diasosiasikan perempuan dengan intimasi, jelas Helen Fisher, PhD, profesor antropologi yang juga penulis Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love.
Jadi, jangan main-main dengan orgasme. Ciptakan orgasme jika Anda atau pasangan belum mendapatkannya saat berhubungan seks. Tunjukkan di mana titik sensitif Anda kepada pasangan. Mintalah pasangan memuaskan Anda pada bagian yang diinginkan. Lalu temukan orgasme di sana. Jangan hanya menunggu pasangan mencari pusat gairah yang membuat Anda berhasil orgasme. Seks pun butuh kerjasama bukan?
6. Pancing gairah dengan berbelanja. Gunnar Peterson, personal trainer sejumlah selebriti dunia, mengatakan salah satu kliennya mengaku berbelanja sebelum berhubungan seks bisa menimbulkan gairah. Sah saja melakukan sejumlah cara untuk memancing libido.
Peterson menganggap wajar cara yang dilakukan kliennya tersebut. Karena menurutnya, berbelanja barang yang disukai dan menunjang penampilan, bagi perempuan, akan membuatnya merasa seksi dan berkuasa. Perasaan seperti inilah yang memicu sikap mental yang lebih terbuka. Saat merasa puas dengan diri sendiri, Anda lebih positif merespons berbagai hal termasuk seks, Anda setuju?
7. Bayangkan Anda adalah perempuan terseksi. Sikap positif yang didapati dari kepercayaan diri membantu perempuan mencapai kepuasan seksual. Salah satu caranya, bayangkan Anda adalah perempuan terseksi. Lalu lakukan hubungan seks dengan berbagai imajinasi seksual yang muncul di kepala Anda. Buktikan saja, dengan cara ini Anda bisa memulai hubungan seks menuju tingkat kepuasan yang diinginkan, kata Judy Pfleger, pendiri HairCareDownThere.com.
8. Manfaatkan sex-toy. Sex-toy sesekali perlu juga dilibatkan dalam hubungan seks Anda dan pasangan. Vibrator misalnya, benda ini mengajarkan Anda tentang bagaimana memuaskan diri mencapai orgasme. Berbagai cara bisa dilakukan pasangan untuk memancing gairah, dengan tangan atau lidah. Namun tak ada salahnya menerima bantuan dari sex-toy.
"Saat Anda mengenalkan sex-toy kepada pasangan, cara ini mengurangi kekhawatiran akan performa seks," kata Anne Semans, marketing manager toko sex-toy, Toys Babeland di New York dan Seattle.
9. Berikan pujian kepada pasangan. Saat pasangan melakukan aktivitas seks yang menyenangkan Anda, berikan pujian. Puji kemampuan dan teknik yang digunakannya untuk memuaskan Anda. Lalu tanyakan hal apa yang diinginkan pasangan, kata Nancy Friday, penulis Women on Top.
10. Melatih kekuatan Anda. Seks adalah olahraga partisipatif yang membutuhkan daya tahan tinggi. Seperti saat Anda melakukan kardio di gym, efeknya tak sekadar membangun kepercayaan diri. Olahraga dengan berlatih kardio meningkatkan daya tahan fisik. Dengan kekuatan penuh, Anda bisa memperpanjang durasi hubungan seks. Jadi, latihlah kekuatan fisik Anda, saran Shari Stern, atlet lari maraton dan pengajar kelas kuliner sensual.
11. Seks tak butuh prestasi. Berapa nilai kepuasan seksual Anda dan pasangan? Abaikan pertanyaan ini. Perempuan yang menjalani seks yang hebat, tak pernah tergoyahkan dengan penilaian dan angka kepuasan seksual. Seks bicara soal sensasi, cinta, dan aktivitas yang menyenangkan. Seks tidak bicara tentang prestasi, sejauhmana pasangan menilai seksualitas Anda.
Susan K.Perry, PhD, psikolog dan penulis Loving in Flow: How the Happiest Couples Get and Stay That Way menyarankan, tanyakan kepada diri sendiri seperti apa perasaan Anda atas aktivitas seks ini? Inilah ukuran kepuasan seksual yang lebih penting daripada bicara angka kepuasan seks.
12. Edukasi seks. Meski Anda sudah mahir melakukan hubungan seks, jangan pernah berhenti mengedukasi diri sendiri. Jangan cepat puas dengan aktivitas seks yang sudah Anda jalani bersama pasangan. Lebih banyak mencari informasi dari bacaan seputar seks bisa membantu Anda. Bagaimana menstimulasi G-spot Anda, ini salah satu isu yang patut Anda pelajari, saran Marge S, pensiunan perawat yang menemukan kembali gairah seks pada usia 70-an.
13. Lepas busana dan tutup mata pasangan Anda. Lakukan aktivitas seks yang menyenangkan dan misterius. Lepaslah busana, dan berikan pijatan kepada pasangan dengan bermodalkan tubuh telanjang Anda. Lakukan juga kegiatan yang berkesan misterius dengan menutup mata pasangan. Pengalaman seks seperti ini mampu menggantikan kebosanan aktivitas seks pasangan menikah, tutur Sheila Kelley, aktris.
14. Fokus pada diri sendiri. Berhentilah menjadi perempuan yang terperangkap dalam pikiran, bahwa Anda harus memuaskan pasangan. Tunjukkan antusiasme Anda dan minta pasangan melakukan gerakan yang bisa membangkitkan gairah Anda. Dengan begitu, Anda telah memberikan kesenangan dan kepuasan kepada pasangan, dan tentu saja diri Anda sendiri, kata Drew Pinsky, MD, cendikiawan, penulis.
15. Pilih cara menyenangkan. Seks perlu dilihat sebagai aktivitas menyenangkan yang seksi. Gunakan sejumlah alat bantu seperti es krim, cokelat, apapun yang Anda dan pasangan merasa nyaman. Oleskan dalam tubuh Anda dan pasangan, dan berikan jilatan. Lakukan bergantian. Pengalaman ini memberikan sensasi tersendiri, kata Shanna Moakler, bintang Meet the Barkers yang ditayangkan di MTV.
16. Memberi dan menerima. Jangan hanya menunggu dan menerima, namun jangan juga melulu memberi. Hubungan seks lebih asik dengan spontanitas dan sikap memberi dan menerima yang seimbang. Jadi, jangan menunggu pasangan memuaskan Anda. Pandulah pasangan untuk memuaskan Anda dan dengan begitu si dia memberikan stimulasi seks yang bisa memuaskan Anda. Dengan memulainya, Anda tak hanya akan menerima pelayanan seks yang menyenangkan, bahkan pasangan pun menerima pesan cinta yang menggairahkan dari diri Anda. Demikian pendapat Adam K.Glickman, CEO Condomania.com.
Bagaimana dengan cara Anda menikmati seks bersama pasangan?
Hikayat Melayu - Usman Awang Sasterawan Negara
Wangian Yang Hilang Di Timur Jauh
Melayu itu orang yang bijaksana
Nakalnya bersulam jenaka
Budi bahasanya tidak terkira
Kurang ajarnya tetap santun
Jika menipu pun masih bersopan
Bila mengampu bijak beralas tangan.
Melayu itu berani jika bersalah
Kecut takut kerana benar,
Janji simpan di perut
Selalu pecah di mulut,
Biar mati adat
Jangan mati anak.
Melayu di tanah Semenanjung luas maknanya:
Jawa itu Melayu, Bugis itu Melayu
Banjar juga disebut Melayu,
Minangkabau memang Melayu,
Keturunan Acheh adalah Melayu,
Jakun dan Sakai asli Melayu,
Arab dan Pakistani, semua Melayu
Mamak dan Malbari serap ke Melayu
Malah mua´alaf bertakrif Melayu
(Setelah disunat anunya itu)
Dalam sejarahnya
Melayu itu pengembara lautan
Melorongkan jalur sejarah zaman
Begitu luas daerah sempadan
Sayangnya kini segala kehilangan
Melayu itu kaya falsafahnya
Kias kata bidal pusaka
Akar budi bersulamkan daya
Gedung akal laut bicara
Malangnya Melayu itu kuat bersorak
Terlalu ghairah pesta temasya
Sedangkan kampung telah tergadai
Sawah sejalur tinggal sejengkal
tanah sebidang mudah terjual
Meski telah memiliki telaga
Tangan masih memegang tali
Sedang orang mencapai timba.
Berbuahlah pisang tiga kali
Melayu itu masih bermimpi
Walaupun sudah mengenal universiti
Masih berdagang di rumah sendiri.
Berkelahi cara Melayu
Menikam dengan pantun
Menyanggah dengan senyum
Marahnya dengan diam
Merendah bukan menyembah
Meninggi bukan melonjak.
Watak Melayu menolak permusuhan
Setia dan sabar tiada sempadan
Tapi jika marah tak nampak telinga
Musuh dicari ke lubang cacing
Tak dapat tanduk telinga dijinjing
Maruah dan agama dihina jangan
Hebat amuknya tak kenal lawan
Berdamai cara Melayu indah sekali
Silaturrahim hati yang murni
Maaf diungkap senantiasa bersahut
Tangan diulur sentiasa bersambut
Luka pun tidak lagi berparut
Baiknya hati Melayu itu tak terbandingkan
Selaga yang ada sanggup diberikan
Sehingga tercipta sebuah kiasan:
"Dagang lalu nasi ditanakkan
Suami pulang lapar tak makan
Kera di hutan disusu-susukan
Anak di pangkuan mati kebuluran"
Bagaimanakah Melayu abad dua puluh satu
Masihkan tunduk tersipu-sipu?
Jangan takut melanggar pantang
Jika pantang menghalang kemajuan;
Jangan segan menentang larangan
Jika yakin kepada kebenaran;
Jangan malu mengucapkan keyakinan
Jika percaya kepada keadilan.
Jadilah bangsa yang bijaksana
Memegang tali memegang timba
Memiliki ekonomi mencipta budaya
Menjadi tuan di negara Merdeka.
Melayu itu orang yang bijaksana
Nakalnya bersulam jenaka
Budi bahasanya tidak terkira
Kurang ajarnya tetap santun
Jika menipu pun masih bersopan
Bila mengampu bijak beralas tangan.
Melayu itu berani jika bersalah
Kecut takut kerana benar,
Janji simpan di perut
Selalu pecah di mulut,
Biar mati adat
Jangan mati anak.
Melayu di tanah Semenanjung luas maknanya:
Jawa itu Melayu, Bugis itu Melayu
Banjar juga disebut Melayu,
Minangkabau memang Melayu,
Keturunan Acheh adalah Melayu,
Jakun dan Sakai asli Melayu,
Arab dan Pakistani, semua Melayu
Mamak dan Malbari serap ke Melayu
Malah mua´alaf bertakrif Melayu
(Setelah disunat anunya itu)
Dalam sejarahnya
Melayu itu pengembara lautan
Melorongkan jalur sejarah zaman
Begitu luas daerah sempadan
Sayangnya kini segala kehilangan
Melayu itu kaya falsafahnya
Kias kata bidal pusaka
Akar budi bersulamkan daya
Gedung akal laut bicara
Malangnya Melayu itu kuat bersorak
Terlalu ghairah pesta temasya
Sedangkan kampung telah tergadai
Sawah sejalur tinggal sejengkal
tanah sebidang mudah terjual
Meski telah memiliki telaga
Tangan masih memegang tali
Sedang orang mencapai timba.
Berbuahlah pisang tiga kali
Melayu itu masih bermimpi
Walaupun sudah mengenal universiti
Masih berdagang di rumah sendiri.
Berkelahi cara Melayu
Menikam dengan pantun
Menyanggah dengan senyum
Marahnya dengan diam
Merendah bukan menyembah
Meninggi bukan melonjak.
Watak Melayu menolak permusuhan
Setia dan sabar tiada sempadan
Tapi jika marah tak nampak telinga
Musuh dicari ke lubang cacing
Tak dapat tanduk telinga dijinjing
Maruah dan agama dihina jangan
Hebat amuknya tak kenal lawan
Berdamai cara Melayu indah sekali
Silaturrahim hati yang murni
Maaf diungkap senantiasa bersahut
Tangan diulur sentiasa bersambut
Luka pun tidak lagi berparut
Baiknya hati Melayu itu tak terbandingkan
Selaga yang ada sanggup diberikan
Sehingga tercipta sebuah kiasan:
"Dagang lalu nasi ditanakkan
Suami pulang lapar tak makan
Kera di hutan disusu-susukan
Anak di pangkuan mati kebuluran"
Bagaimanakah Melayu abad dua puluh satu
Masihkan tunduk tersipu-sipu?
Jangan takut melanggar pantang
Jika pantang menghalang kemajuan;
Jangan segan menentang larangan
Jika yakin kepada kebenaran;
Jangan malu mengucapkan keyakinan
Jika percaya kepada keadilan.
Jadilah bangsa yang bijaksana
Memegang tali memegang timba
Memiliki ekonomi mencipta budaya
Menjadi tuan di negara Merdeka.
October 28, 2010
Sodom and Gommoroh Story
The People of Lut and The City which was Turned Upside Down
The people of Lut rejected (his) warning. We sent against them a violent Tornado with showers of stones, (which destroyed them), except Lut's household: them We delivered by early Dawn,- As a Grace from Us: thus do We reward those who give thanks. And (Lut) did warn them of Our Punishment, but they disputed about the Warning. (Surat al-Qamar:, 33-36)
Lut lived at the same time as Ibrahim. The Old Testament says that Lut was Ibrahim's nephew and that they travelled some distance together in Ibrahim's long journeys.Lut was sent as a messenger to one of Ibrahim's neighbouring communities. These people, as the Qur’an tells us, practiced a perversion unknown to the world up to then, namely sodomy. When Lut told them to give up this perversion and brought them Allah's warning, they denied him, refused his prophethood, and carried on with their perversion. In the end, these people were destroyed by a dreadful disaster.The city where Lut resided is referred to as Sodom in the Old Testament. Being situated at the north of the Red Sea, this community is understood to have been destroyed just as it is written in the Qur’an. Archaeological studies reveal that the city is located in the area of the Dead Sea which stretches along the Israel-Jordan border.Before examining the remains of this disaster, let’s see why the people of Lut were punished in this fashion. The Qur’an tells how Lut warned his people and what they said in reply;The people of Lut rejected the messengers. Behold, their brother Lut said to them: “Will ye not fear (Allah)? I am to you a messenger worthy of all trust. So fear Allah and obey me. No reward do I ask of you for it: my reward is only from the lord of the Worlds. Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing (all limits)!” They said: “If thou desist not, O Lut! thou wilt assuredly be cast out!” He said: “I do detest your doings.” (Surat ash-Shuara: 160-168)
The people of Lut threatened him in response to his inviting them to the right way. His people detested him because of his showing them the right way, and wanted to banish both him and the other believers beside him. In other verses, the event is told as follows;We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: “Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.” And his people gave no answer but this: they said, “Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!” (Surat al-Araf: 80-82)
Lut called his people to an obvious truth and warned them explicitly, but his people did not heed any warnings whatsoever and continued to reject Lut and to deny the penalty of which he told them.And (remember) Lut: behold, he said to his people: “Ye do commit lewdness, such as no people in Creation (ever) committed before you. Do ye indeed approach men, and cut off the highway?- and practise wickedness (even) in your councils?” But his people gave no answer but this: they said: “Bring us the Wrath of Allah if thou tellest the truth.” (Surat al-Ankaboot: 28-29)
Receiving the above answer from his people, Lut asked for the help of Allah,He said: “O my Lord! help Thou me against people who do mischief!” (Surat al-Ankaboot: 30) “O my Lord! deliver me and my family from such things as they do!” (Surat ash-Shuara: 169)
Upon Lut’s prayer, Allah sent two angels in the form of men. These angels visited Ibrahim before coming to Lut. Giving Ibrahim the good news that his wife would give birth to an infant, the messengers explained the reason of their being sent: the insolent people of Lut were to be destroyed.(Ibrahim) said: “And what, O ye Messengers, is your errand (now)?” They said, “We have been sent to a people (deep) in sin; To bring on, on them, (a shower of) stones of clay (brimstone), Marked as from thy Lord for those who trespass beyond bounds.” (Surat adh-Dhariyat: 31-34) Excepting the adherents of Lut: them we are certainly (charged) to save (from harm),- All - Except his wife, who, We have ascertained, will be among those who will lag behind. (Surat al-Hijr: 59-60)
After leaving Ibrahim’s company, the angels, who were sent as messengers, came to Lut. Not having met the messengers before, Lut first became anxious, but then calmed down after talking to them;When Our messengers came to Lut, he was grieved on their account and felt himself powerless (to protect) them. He said: “This is a distressful day.” (Surah Hud: 77) He said: “Ye appear to be uncommon folk.” They said: “Yea, we have come to thee to accomplish that of which they doubt. We have brought to thee that which is inevitably due, and assuredly we tell the truth. Then travel by night with thy household, when a portion of the night (yet remains), and do thou bring up the rear: let no one amongst you look back, but pass on whither ye are ordered.” And We made known this decree to him, that the last remnants of those (sinners) should be cut off by the morning. (Surat al-Hijr: 62-66)
Meanwhile, his people had learned that Lut had visitors. They did not hesitate to approach these visitors perversely as they had approached others before. They encircled the house. Being afraid for his visitors, Lut addressed his people as follows;Lut said: “These are my guests: disgrace me not: But fear Allah, and shame me not.” (Surat al-Hijr: 68-69)The people of Lut retorted;They said: “Did we not forbid thee (to speak) for all and sundry?” (Surat al-Hijr: 70)Thinking that he and his visitors subjected to evil treatment, Lut said:“Would that I had power to suppress you or that I could betake myself to some powerful support.” (Surah Hud: 80)His “visitors” reminded him that they were the messengers of Allah and said;(The Messengers) said: “O Lut! We are Messengers from thy Lord! By no means shall they reach thee! now travel with thy family while yet a part of the night remains, and let not any of you look back: but thy wife (will remain behind): To her will happen what happens to the people. Morning is their time appointed: Is not the morning nigh?” (Surah Hud: 81)
When the perversity of the city people reached its fullest extent, Allah saved Lut by means of the angels. In the morning, his people were destroyed by the disaster of which Lut had informed them in advance.And they even sought to snatch away his guests from him, but We blinded their eyes. (They heard:) “Now taste ye My Wrath and My Warning.” Early on the morrow an abiding Punishment seized them: (Surat al-Qamar: 37-38)
The verses describe the destruction of this people as follows;But the (mighty) Blast overtook them before morning, And We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay. Behold! in this are Signs for those who by tokens do understand. And the (cities were) right on the high-road. (Surat al-Hijr: 73-76)
When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer,-Marked as from thy Lord: Nor are they ever far from those who do wrong! (Surah Hud: 82-83)
But the rest We destroyed utterly. We rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): and evil was the shower on those who were admonished (but heeded not)! : Verily in this is a Sign: but most of them do not believe. And verily thy Lord is He, the Exalted in Might, Most Merciful. (Surat ash-Shuara: 172-175)
When the people were destroyed, only Lut and the believers, who were only as many as one “household”, were saved. Lut’s wife did not believe either and she was also destroyed.We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: “Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you?
For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.”
And his people gave no answer but this: they said, “Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!”
But we saved him and his family, except his wife: she was of those who legged behind.
And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime! (Surat al-Araf: 80-84)
Thus, Prophet Lut was saved along with the believers and his family with the exception of his wife. As described in the Old Testament, he emigrated with Ibrahim. As for the perverted people, they were destroyed and their dwellings were razed to the ground.
“The Obvious Signs” in the Lake of Lut
The 82nd verse of Surah Hud, clearly states the kind of the disaster that befell the people of Lut. “When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer”The statement of “turning (the cities) upside down” implies that the region was totally destroyed by a violent earthquake. Accordingly, The Lake of Lut, where the destruction took place, bears “obvious” evidence of such a disaster.We quote German archaeologist Werner Keller as follows;Together with the base of this mighty fissure, which runs precisely through this area, the Vale of Siddim, including Sodom and Gomorrah, plunged one day into the abyss. Their destruction came about through a great earthquake which was probably accompanied by explosions, lightning, issue of natural gas and general conflagration. (1)
As a matter of fact, the Lake of Lut, or the Dead Sea as it is otherwise known, is located right on the top of an active seismic region, that is, an earthquake zone:The base of the dead sea is located with a tectonic rooted downfall. This valley is located in a tension stretching between the Taberiye Lake in the north, and mid of Arabah Valley in the south.(2)
The event was expressed as “we rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer” in the last part of the verse. This is in all probability meant to be the volcanic explosion that took place on the banks of the Lake of Lut, and because of which the rocks and stones that erupted were in a “baked form”. (The same event is related in the 173rd verse of Surat ash-Shuara as “We rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): and evil was the shower on those who were admonished (but heeded not)!”)
In relation to this subject, Werner Keller writes;The subsidence released volcanic forces that had been lying dormant deep down along the whole length of the fracture. In the upper valley of the Jordan near Bashan there are still towering craters of extinct volcanoes; great stretches of lava and deep layers of basalt have been deposited on the limestone surface.(3)
These lava and basalt layers constitute the greatest evidence that a volcanic explosion and earthquake had once taken place here. The catastrophe depicted in the following expression as “we rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer” in the Qur’an most probably points to this volcanic explosion, and Allah knows best. The expression “When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down” which occurs in the same verse, must be referring to the earthquake which caused volcanoes to erupt over the surface of the earth with devastating impact, and to the fissures and debris brought by it, and only Allah knows the truth of it.The “obvious signs” conveyed by the Lake of Lut are indeed very interesting. In general, the events which are related in the Qur’an take place in the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt. Right in the middle of these lands, is the Lake of Lut. The Lake of Lut, as well as the incidents that have taken place around it, deserves attention geologically. The Lake is approximately 400 meters below the surface of the Mediterranean. Since the deepest place in the Lake is 400 meters, the bottom of the Lake is 800 meters below the surface of the Mediterranean.
The Lake of Lut, or Dead Sea as differently called.This is the lowest point on the earth. In other areas which are lower than sea level, the depth is at most 100 meters. Another property of the Lake of Lut is that the salt content of its water is very high, the density being nearly 30 %. Because of this, no living organism, such as fish or moss, can survive in this lake. This is why the Lake of Lut is called the “Dead Sea” in Western literature.
The incident of Lut’s people, which is recounted in the Qur’an, occurred around 1800 B.C. according to estimates. Based on his archaeological and geological researches, the German researcher Werner Keller noted that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were in fact located in the Siddim Valley which was the region at the furthers and lowest end of the Lake of Lut, and that there were once big and widely inhabited sites in those regions.The most interesting structural characteristic of the Lake of Lut is an evidence showing how the disaster incidence recounted in the Qur’an took place;On the eastern shore of the Dead Sea the peninsula of el-Lisan protrudes like a tongue far into the water. El-Lisan means “the tongue” in Arabic. Unseen from the land the ground falls away here under the surface of the water at a prodigious angle, dividing the sea into two parts. To the right of the peninsula the ground slopes sharply down to a depth of 1200 feet. On the left of the peninsula the water remains remarkably shallow. Soundings taken in the last few years established depths of only fifty to sixty feet. That extraordinary shallow part of the Dead Sea, from the peninsula el-Lisan to the southernmost tip, was the Vale of Siddim. (4)
Werner Keller noted that this shallow part, which was discovered to have formed subsequently, was the outcome of the aforementioned earthquake and the massive collapse this earthquake had caused. This was the place where Sodom and Gomorrah were situated, that is, where Lut’s people lived.Once, it was possible to cross this region by walking. However, now, the Vale of Siddim, where Sodom and Gomorrah were once situated, is covered by the flat surface of the lower part of the Dead Sea. The collapse of the base as a result of the dreadful catastrophe that came to pass in the beginning of the 2nd. millennium B.C., caused salt water from the north to flow into this recently formed cavity and filled the basin with salty water.The traces of the Lake of Lut are visible… When one takes a rowing boat across the Lake of Lut to the southernmost point, if the sun is shining in the right direction, one sees something quite fantastic. Some distance from the shore and clearly visible under the surface of the water, there are the outlines of the forests which the extraordinarily high salt content of the Dead Sea preserved.
An illustration showing the volcanic eruption and the collapse that followed it, which caused the whole people to disappear.
The trunks and roots in the shimmering green water are very ancient. The Siddim valley, where these trees were once in blossom green foliage covered their twigs and branches, was one of the most beautiful locations in the region.The mechanical aspect of the disaster that befell people of Lut is revealed by the researches of the geologists. These reveal that the earthquake which destroyed the people of Lut, came about in consequence of quite a long crack in the earth (a fault line), along the 190 kilometres distance making up the bed of the River Sheri’at. River Sheri’at makes a fall of 180 meters in total. Both this and the fact that the Lake of Lut is 400 metres below sea level are two important pieces of evidence showing that an enormous geological event has taken place here.The interesting structure of River of Sheri’at and the Lake of Lut make up only a small part of the crack or split passing from this region of the earth. The condition and length of this crack have only recently been discovered.
The fault starts from the outskirts of Mount Taurus, stretches to the southern shores of the Lake of Lut and proceeds over the Arabian desert to the Gulf of Aqaba and continues across the Red Sea, ending up in Africa. Along the length of it, strong volcanic activities are observed. Black basalt and lava exist in the Galilee Mountains in Israel, high plain regions of Jordan, the Gulf of Aqaba and other areas nearby.All these remains and geographical evidences show that a catastrophic geological event took place in the Lake of Lut. Werner Keller writes,Together with the base of this mighty fissure, which runs precisely through this area, the Vale of Siddim, including Sodom and Gomorrah, plunged one day into the abyss. Their destruction came about through a great earthquake which was probably accompanied by explosions, lightning, issue of natural gas and general conflagration. The subsidence released volcanic forces that had been lying dormant deep down along the whole length of the fracture. In the upper valley of the Jordan near Bashan there are still towering craters of extinct volcanoes; great stretches of lava and deep layers of basalt have been deposited on the limestone surface. (5)
National Geographic makes the following comment on December 1957;The mount of Sodom, a barren wasteland, rises sharply above the dead sea. No one has ever found the destroyed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, but scholars believe that they stood in the Vale of Siddim across from these cliffs. Possibly flood waters of the Dead Sea engulfed them following an earthquake. (6)
Pompeii Had a Similar End
The Qur’an tells us in the following verses that there is no change in Allah’s laws;
- They swore their strongest oaths by Allah that if a warner came to them, they would follow his guidance better than any (other) of the Peoples: But when a warner came to them, it has only increased their flight (from righteousness),- On account of their arrogance in the land and their plotting of Evil, but the plotting of Evil will hem in only the authors thereof. Now are they but looking for the way the ancients were dealt with? But no change wilt thou find in Allah's way (of dealing): no turning off wilt thou find in Allah's way (of dealing). (Surat al-Fatir: 42-43)
Above is a fresco representing the luxury and prosperity of the city of Pompeii before the disaster. Down are petrified corpses unearthed in excavations made in Pompeii. Yes, “no change will be found in Allah’s way (rules)”. Everybody, who stands against His laws and rebels against Him, is subject to the same divine law. Pompeii, the symbol of the degeneration of the Roman Empire, was also involved in sexual perversity. Its end was similar to that of the people of Lut. The destruction of Pompeii came by means of the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius. |
To the right of Vesuvius lies Naples and to the east lies Pompeii. The lava and ash of a huge volcanic eruption, that happened two millennia ago, caught the inhabitants of that city. The disaster happened so suddenly that everything in the town was caught in the middle of its everyday life and remains today exactly as it was two millennia ago. It is as if the time had been frozen. |
The removal of Pompeii from the face of the earth by such a disaster was not purposeless. The historical record shows that the city was exactly a center of dissipation and perversity. The city was marked by a rise in prostitution to such an extent that even the number of brothels was not known. Male organs in their original sizes were hung on the doors of the brothels. According to this tradition, rooted in Mithraic belief, sexual organs and sexual intercourse should not be hidden but displayed openly.
Some corpses uncovered at Pompeii and displayed in museums. Here lies the most incomprehensible aspect of the calamity. How did thousands of people wait to be caught by death without seeing and hearing anything? |
This aspect of the event shows that the disappearance of Pompeii was similar to the destructive events mentioned in the Qur’an, because the Qur’an particularly points to “sudden annihilation” while relating these events. For example, the “inhabitants of the city” described in Surah Ya-seen died all at once in a single moment. The situation is told as follows in the 29th. verse of the surah;
- It was no more than a single mighty Blast, and behold! they were (like ashes) quenched and silent.
In the 31st verse of Surat al-Qamar, again the “instantaneous annihilation” is emphasised when the destruction of Thamud is recounted;
- For We sent against them a single Mighty Blast, and they became like the dry stubble used by one who pens cattle.
The death of the people of Pompeii took place instantaneously as just as the events recounted in the above verses.
Despite all these, things have not changed much where Pompeii once stood. The districts of Naples where debauchery prevails do not fall short of those licentious districts of Pompeii. The Island of Capri is a base where homosexuals and nudists reside. The Island of Capri is represented as a “Homosexual paradise” in tourist commercials. Not only on Capri and in Italy, but in nearly all the world, a similar moral degeneration is at work and people insist on not learning from the awful experiences of past peoples.
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